Thursday, February 27, 2014

7 Suprising Coinciding Occurances

You would never think that these things happened at the same time but I assure you they did. 

1.Betty White is actually older then sliced bread.
~Sliced bread was introduced in 1928, while Betty White was born in 1922.

2. Harvard University was founded before calculus was even invented.
~Harvard was established in 1636, and is the oldest institution of higher education in the U.S. Calculus was not invented until the late 1600's. Galileo was even still alive during the early years of Harvard. 

3. The Pyramids of Giza were built in the time of wooly mammoths.
~The last wooly mammoth died in 1700 B.C. in Russia while in Egypt, the Pyramids of Giza were built 4,000 years ago. 

4. The fax machine was invented the same year as the Oregon trail migration.
~The fax machine was invented in 1843 by Alexander Bain and the Great Migration on the Oregon trail began in the same year. 1,000 migrants attempted to travel west and are said to have died of dysentary on the way. 

5. Tiffany & Co. was founded before Italy was a country.
~Charles Lewis Tiffany and John B. Young founded Tiffany & Young in 1837, which would later become Tiffany & Co. While the states were combine to create Italy in 1861. Macy's was also founded in 1858, before Italy was a country.

6. France still used the guillotine when Star Wars came out.
~The last time the guillotine was used was 1977, the same year that the first Star Wars movie was released. Also, the Eiffel Tower was finished the same year that Nintendo was founded, 1889.

7. Two of President John Tyler's grandchildren are still alive.
~John Tyler was America's 10th president and served from 1841 to 1845. But, two of his grandsons are still living, Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr. and Harrison Tyler are only in their 80's.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The 10 Strangest Things I Have Ever Heard

1. The Suicide Roller Coaster
Also called the Euthanasia Coaster, it was designed in 2010 with the intention of killing its passangers. PhD candidate, Julijonas Urbonas, designed the coaster after working at an amusement park. Urbonas stated that his goal for the coaster was to take lives 'with elegance and euphoria.' The seven loops put the body under so much stress that the brain is starved of oxygen and makes it impossible for the heart to pump blood. The Euthanasia Coaster was also made to be a fun death.

2. Gympie Gympie
The Gympie Gympie tree's leaves produce a unbearable toxin. The pain has been compared to being sprayed with hot acid and being electrocuted at the same time. A man was reported to have shot himself after accidentally using the leaves as toilet paper.

3. The Disappearing Disease 
In 1485, a disease broke out that caused people to sweat to death in a matter of hours. This mysterious disease was the cause of death for more then ten thousand people, and then it disappeared. 

4. The Stress of High School
High school students today have the same anxiety levels as insane asylum patients in the 1950's. 

5. Blackout Haunted House 
There is a haunted house, called Blackout Elements, for only people over 18 years old. The actors in the house are allowed, and will touch you as well as instruct you to do certain tasks that you must perform. You are not allowed to touch the walls and you must wear a protective face mask and carry a flashlight at all times. You must go in the house alone, but if at any point you get too scared you can yell the word safety and get escorted out. 

6. Worst Surgery Ever
In 1847, a doctor performed a surgery in only 25 seconds. But, he worked so quickly that he also amputated his assistants fingers in the process. The patient as well as the assistant died of Sepsis, and a spectator died of shock during the procedure, making this the only reported surgery with a 300% mortality rate. 

7. In 1941, Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish priest that was imprisioned in Auschwitz concentration camp, volunteered to trade places with a stranger sentenced to death. The man he replaced made it out of the camp and lived until 1995. 

8. The Man with Two Faces
Edward Mordrake, who lived in the 1800's, had an extra face on the back of his head. The face could not eat or speak, but it could laugh and cry. Mordrake begged doctors to amputate to remove the face, saying it whispered horrible things to him at night. They refused, and Mondrake killed himself at the age of 24.

9. America's First Serial Killer
H. H. Holmes built an entire hotel to murder his victims. The hotel included rooms with no windows and a large safe right next to Holmes' desk in which he would keep people until they died. 

10. The Cannibilism Disease
Cannibilism, especially consumption of the brain, can cause a disease called Kuru. The disease causes uncontrollable laughter as well as depression and emotional instability.  


Okay so i have recently discovered the greatest band in the world. They are The 1975 from the UK. Just had to share. 

5 Myths About Mental Institutions

1. They us strait jackets.
There is actually a law that states that mental institutions an hospitals must use the least restrictive restraints that they can. So must institutions will use drugs or  the four point cuff system. 

2. It is like jail.
In most movies and shows, mental institutions are potrayed as dark cells with patients in only hospital gowns. You are actually allowed to bring your own items into most mental institutions. Family and friends can also bring you items like food or books.

3. Patients do not know why they are there.
Before you are put in an institution, you have to go through a psych evaluation. If you fail, they can only hold you for three days for psych reasons. After that you can only leave when the doctors are sure you are okay and when they tell you that you can leave. Most patients, instead of going to court, sign themselves into treatment.

4. There are outragous punishments
Most of the time, employees will check on patients about every half hour, unless they are trouble makers. The staff does not bother the patients, they are just there to make sure everyone is safe.

5. Mental illnesses are easily recognizable
In shows and movies, a doctor can usually tell what a patients has in a matter of minutes. But, real mental illnesses are difficult to diagnose and understand.

Info on mental institutions from article by Robert Evans